Ever thought of how perfect the Ocean is by itself? By being one of the
most important parts of the ecologic system, it is capable of sustaining
itself. Take one moment right now to think of the things that one needs to
live. Every component that supports human and animal life is found at the ocean
or produced by the same.
Think of the Ocean as the heart of the world. Without it, the world
wouldn’t have rain, plants would die, oxygen levels would drop 70% and the
circle of life would have the most important components missing. The
Creator of
the World is perfect. Thinking of a self sustained structure that gives food,
oxygen, water and even jobs. By creating all sorts of things, being capable of
creating a calm feeling by the sound of the waves. Animals that live in the
ocean by them selves are capable of cleaning their own wastes, and creating a
circle of life. Also is known as the World’s biggest pathway. Almost everything
in one’s house comes from the ocean or is transported by sea.
According to the documentary, the Ocean
is capable of sustaining itself. Many scientists and other enthusiasts try to
imagine how it is possible that so many animals live under the sea and yet how
by the animals themselves the Ocean stays clean. Many of the disasters like the
destruction of the Aral Sea, caused by a project the Soviet Union created for
irrigation purposes and destroyed 61200 square km of sea. Also the oil spill by
the Exxon Valdez who spilled 11
millions gallons of oil in the sea. The oil spill caused the death of
approximately 200,000seabirds, at least 2,800 sea otters, approximately 12
river otters, 300 harbor seals, 147 bald eagles, and 22 orcas and an unknown
number of salmon and herring. Humans are responsible for many disasters
happening in the sea.
use the oceans for many reasons. It’s us who must take care and try to prevent
disasters. Many can start helping by keeping beaches clean. It is a shame that
after some activities like “La Noche de San Juan” beaches end up all messed up
and bottles or wraps from six-packs end up being the trap for some animals. The
Ocean has given us great things including food, transportation, water and
oxygen. It is our duty to do anything possible to sustain what we have and try
to improve for the future.
MacGillivray and Alec Lorimore. MacGillivray, G. Ocean Film Network. Virginia.
Retrieved March 22, 2013
Cutler J. Cleveland "Exxon Valdez oil spill". Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth June 9, 2010; Retrieved March 22, 2013 <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Exxon_Valdez_oil_spill?topic=58075>