Sunday, February 17, 2013

Road Kills.

Road Kills

     One night of the summer of 2012, I was on a dark road, when all of the sudden a shadow crossed my car. After seeing something run pass my car y felt something hitting my car and bouncing out. The car on the lane next to mine also went over to what I first crashed. I got really scared and decided not to stop. After five minutes of driving I realized that what I previously hit, could’ve been a small kid running. My nerves caught up to me and I decided to go back to the crime scene. After realizing everything and seeing the animal, it was a dog. Part of me was calm because many kids run skateboards through that area, even though is very dark.

     When traveling through the roads of Puerto Rico, you can see many stray dogs walking around. Unlike iguanas, for example, dog breeding can be legalized. Using the examples of iguanas, they breed fast and stopping the way the reproduce is nearly impossible. When driving through highways one might see iguanas running around the street and others all splattered on the floor. Controlling dogs, in the other hand can be regulated. People should have some kind of permit to be breeders, if not, the male dog should be castrated. By controlling the reproduction of dogs since their early stage of life, one will be able to stop the excessive reproduction of stray dogs.

     With all due respect, when passing through some poor neighborhood you can see a lot of stray dogs walking, eating garbage and worse, some end up killed in the street. Then the problem comes. When a stray dog is killed on the street, people tend to ignore it and they tend to stay at the side of the road for days.

     Concluding, there should be a law to control the excessive reproduction of dogs and other controlled animals. By having some sort of control over the animals being reproduced, the amount of road kills will reduce. Many states have laws that control dogs. Implementing some kind of law in Puerto Rico will take time but definitely will be worth it. 

      Animal Legal & Historical Center. (2013), Map of state breeding law, Retrieved from Accessed on February 24, 2013.


  1. I disagree completely with your view of controlling dog's breeding. I believe dogs, like humans, have the right to reproduce as they wish. It is true that some are killed in roads, but have you thought about the fact that many humans run over them for an estrange feeling of pleasure? Humans tend to act according to their feelings and emotions (this is probably why you decided to "go back to the crime scene"), and in this world there are numerous mentally unstable people. That does not give us humans the right to control nature, because if it did, many of us should be eliminated or 'controlled' as well. Development is part of life and nature, and even though it might get out of hand, it is not our responsibility to control it. I am a strong believer that nature itself controls these kinds of situations by reacting through natural catastrophes.

  2. It is one way to control the reproduction of the same. It is true, that nature itself is able to contribute in controlling animals and how they massively reproduce. Due to the fact that they reproduce due to pure instinct, I'm in favor of some sort of control over them. We are somehow controlled. Talking about reproduction, they are many ways of preventing overgrowth. Some take pills and others go to surgery to take away the gift of reproducing. Animals don't have the capacity to analyze. In neighborhoods that are with controlled access, seeing many dogs is not the usual, but when taking a trip around a poor place, dogs are everywhere. It is true that people tend to have some sort of disorder and are unhumanized, but what really means to be a human, when most of the cruelty towards animals itself is provoked by the same.

  3. I respect your position but there is a very remarkable difference between humans trying to control their personal reproduction and trying to control animal's reproduction. When people use such stated methods, they use them because of their own interests, these usually based on time or economical purposes. Animals on the other hand do not have the same responsibilities, if any, a human has, other than reproduce and be part of natural processes. When humans try to control other being's reproduction, they are surpassing their rights. Again, it is not our duty to control these situations since nature itself takes care of it.

  4. Animals have to be controlled in some way. Some are to maintain the pure breeds and others is to stop animal cruelty because much of the cruelty starts with the animals around the streets. Many road kills are dogs running around the street. If a prevention is made, maybe some kind of control, it will help the deaths of many animals.
